About Us
We strive to help family history researchers collaborate with family members as they complete the genealogy work for their ancestors by providing tools and resources needed to avoid duplication, keep the research organized, and easily accessible to all.

Early in 2014 a family member asked, “How can I help with family history?”
There was no easy answer to that question.
There was so much that needed to be done that there was no simple assignment that could be given to someone willing to help. It would take longer to explain what needed to be done than to just do it myself. Sound familiar?
There had to be an easier way.
After long hours of pondering what to do, we talked with family members and friends. We brainstormed together on possible solutions and recruited others who were willing to help.
What we wanted to do had never been done before. Sure, there were project management tools and collaboration sites that worked for other things. But none of them were well-suited for collaboration in family history work. So, we decided to build our own tools and our own site. And that is how Ancestral Logs got started.
Much has changed since 2014. What started as informal discussions between family members has grown into a thriving team of people with expertise in genealogy, technology, business, marketing, and other fields, all working together on a common goal of making family history work a collaborative effort, not an individual exercise.