Our Product
Ancestral Logs strives to assist the genealogist organize their research in a manner that allows other family members to easily view, understand, and contribute to the research project thus sharing the workload.
Help the beginner know where and how to get started in family history research.
Help the intermediate researcher organize genealogy research and provide direction and guidance in their research.
Help the advanced researcher make a thorough search, attach evidence, and explain conclusions.
Assist family organizations in creating, organizing, and tracking genealogical research projects.
Help you easily pick up where you left off and avoid duplicating research.
Help extend families collaborate and assign tasks to each researcher.
Work together to discover the verifiable proof of the facts given about an ancestor.
To accomplish this, we encourage the user to follow the Genealogical Proof Standard¹ to prove information about their ancestors. This standard consists of researchers preforming the following fundamentals
Reasonably Exhaustive Research
Complete, Accurate Citations To The Source Or Sources Of Each Information Item
Tests-Through Processes Of Analysis And Correlation Of All Sources, Information Items, And Evidence
Resolution Of Conflicts Among Evidence Items
A Soundly Reasoned, Coherently Written Conclusion
1: Rose, Christine. (2014). Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case. CR Publications.